
The Second Mars Project
By Michele (7th Grade)

This time for the Mars Project, instead of a flat landscape model, we went for a 3-D model.  It turned out awesome.  The Mars class actually made two globes.  One globe was a 3-D version of Mars and the other a replica of the MOLA Globe.  These projects took about 10 kids, give or take three, to complete.  Everyone had a blast.  Or at least I did.

We first began by paper-mâcheing three beach balls, although we only needed two for our project.  One of the beach balls came out deformed, so a few of us made it into an imaginary planet, Planet Peace (we translated into Latin though).  The next globe was decided by which beach ball was the smoothest for use as the MOLA globe.  Between the two we needed one for the MOLA replica and the other for the 3-D Mars globe.  When that was done we painted the smooth MOLA globe by color to show elevations.  The other globe was molded to look like Mars showing real elevation.

Ms. Mock was such a big help with this project.  Not physically, but orally.  She gave us ideas and instructed us on what could be done to make it better.  At the end it paid off.  The models actually, according to Ms. Mock, looked like Mars.

I think it is important that we kids get involved with this type of project because we should know what is going on outside of our own little world.  It is fun to learn about new things in our own galaxy.  It sparks our imagination.



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